Article I: Name
The name of the Detachment has been and shall remain "Greater Nevada Detachment 186, Marine Corps League".
Article II: Purpose
The purpose of the detachment shall be:
a. To act as an integral part and detachment of the Department of Nevada, Marine Corps League.
b. To further the charitable objectives, purposes, and aims of the league in accordance with local, state, and national legal requirements.
c. This detachment is a non-profit, Veteran’s Service Organization (VSO). Membership therein does not affect or increase liability for the military. Individual members may not profit from any detachment activity(s) or program(s). The net earnings will be devoted exclusively to the operational, educational, and recreational purposes of the detachment. Scholarships may be awarded after a vote from the detachment.
d. This detachment will be non-political and will not be used for the dissemination of partisan principles or for the promotion of the candidacy of any person seeking public office. If the detachment is dissolved, the assets will be turned over to a similar group to be use for charitable purposes as described above.
Article III: Detachment Bylaws
Any bylaws made by this detachment shall not be averse to, or conflict with, the Marine Corps League National Bylaws and Administrative Procedures or the Department of Nevada Bylaws or the National Bylaws.
These detachment bylaws may be revised, amended, or repealed in the following manner:
a. Any five (5) members in good standing, as defined in the Marine Corps League National Bylaws and in these bylaws, may submit in writing to the Detachment Adjutant such proposed action.
b. All members will be notified in writing by the detachment website of any proposed changes at least thirty (30) days or at the regularly scheduled monthly meeting prior to the amendment being brought before the body for a vote. The notice shall include the date, time, and action that will take place.
c. The proposal will be made in the form of a motion and seconded at the first available meeting after the requirements of Article III (b) are met. The motion will automatically be tabled for a vote to the next regularly scheduled general membership meeting.
d. The proposal will be voted on and must be approved by no less than two-thirds (2/3) of the members present. Once approved, the amendment will go into effect.
e. Only Regular Members in good standing and Life Members, as defined in the Marine Corps League National Bylaws, shall be eligible to vote.
Article IV: Membership
a. Only persons who are serving or have served honorably in the United States Marine Corps, United States Marine Corps Reserve, as a United States Navy FMF Corpsman, or as a United States FMF Navy Chaplain for not less than ninety (90) days shall be eligible for regular membership in the Marine Corps League as outlined in the Marine Corps League National Bylaws.
b. Any prospective member must provide proof of eligibility (i.e., DD-214, honorable discharge certificate, or other official proof of eligibility) with the application, sponsor’s signature on the application, and dues for membership. The sponsor must be a member of the Marine Corps League in good standing.
c. Any member, either prospective or active, may have their eligibility challenged by any officer of the detachment at any time. If a member is found ineligible, appropriate action will be taken in accordance with the Marine Corps League National Bylaws.
d. The prospective member's application will be brought up at the first regularly scheduled general membership meeting following the approval of the membership application by the Board of Officers. The application will be voted on by the membership present. A majority of those present at the meeting is required to approve membership applications.
e. Initiation of new members shall be consistent with the current Marine Corps League Ritual Manual. Swearing in of new members shall be conducted at the regularly scheduled general membership meeting following approval of the application.
f. Life membership shall be available to all regular members as outlined in the Marine Corps League National Bylaws. The applicant must be current with all dues prior to making an application for life membership.
g. Associate membership shall be made available in accordance with the Marine Corps League National Bylaws. An associate member will pay the same dues as a regular member and may enjoy the privileges of membership with the following exceptions:
Shall not be able to hold elective office;
Shall not have voting privileges concerning membership on regular or associate members or nomination and the election of officers;
Shall not be permitted to wear the standard uniform of the detachment or the League except as noted in the Marine Corps League Administrative Procedures Enclosure (3).
h. Honorary membership shall be made available as outlined in the Marine Corps League National Bylaws. A person may be nominated for honorary membership by any member of the detachment in good standing and submitted to the Board of Officers. The Board of Officers shall reflect on the said nominee at its next regularly scheduled meeting and submit a recommendation to the body. A majority decision shall be required to approve honorary membership. Honorary members are not entitled to any of the privileges associated with membership in the Marine Corps League.
Article V: Dues
The amount of dues for membership will be determined by the membership. The dues for each member will be due on August 1st. All dues shall be paid to the Detachment Paymaster. A member will be considered delinquent and not in good standing if dues are not received by August 1st. A member not in good standing shall not enjoy any of the benefits accorded membership in the Marine Corps League. A member has one (1) year to make up his/her dues or they will be dropped from the rolls of the Marine Corps League. A member may reinstate his/her membership by paying all past and current dues.
a. Dues will be collected as per National Administrative Procedures with detachment dues added. Membership year and annual dues shall expire on the 31st day of August each year.
01 July – last day of February
National Marine Corps League dues + $5.00
Initiation Fee + detachment dues
Membership expiration is the following year (13 – 14 months)
01 March – 30 June
Half of the National Marine Corps League dues + $5.00
Initiation Fee + detachment dues
Membership expiration is the 31st day of August of the same year
Article VI: Officers
a. The detachment officers elected to office shall be composed of the following:
Sr. Vice Commandant
Jr. Vice Commandant
Judge Advocate
b. All other detachment officers are to be considered Staff Officers and shall be appointed to the office with the consent of the Board of Officers. Staff Officers are:
Sergeant at Arms
Color Sergeant
Chief of Staff
c. A candidate must be a member in good standing to hold office.
d. The terms of office shall be for the period indicated below. An office is secured once the officer has been sworn into office. A partial term of office shall not be considered as a term of office.
Each elected officer shall be elected for a term on one (1) year and may be re-elected for additional terms;
Appointed officers shall serve a term that expires when the next election occurs and may be appointed to additional terms;
Board of Officers consists of all elected and appointed officers and the past commandant.
Article VII: Board of Trustees
a. The Board of Trustees shall consist of all elected officers plus the most recent past commandant. If the most recent past commandant is unavailable or unwilling to serve on the Board of Trustees, then the Board of Trustees will decide by majority vote on an acceptable substitute from former Detachment Officers.
b. The Board of Trustees is responsible for promoting the good and welfare of the detachment and the necessary maintenance of the operation of the detachment. The Board of Trustees shall also rule on any recommendations made by the detachment on disputed matters.
c. The Board of Trustees is responsible for the selection and appointment of Staff Officers.
Article VIII: Vacancies of Office
In the event of a vacancy, the order of succession to the office of the Detachment Commandant shall be: first, Detachment Sr. Vice Commandant and second, Detachment Jr. Vice Commandant. The new Commandant will recommend a replacement for Jr. Vice Commandant for The Board of Trustee’s approval. A majority vote of the Board of Trustees is needed to approve a replacement officer. A vacancy may be declared when an officer misses three (3) consecutive detachment meetings, is no longer in good standing, or resigns from his/her position.
Article IX: Nomination of Officers
a. The Commandant shall appoint the Chairman for the Nominating Committee (preferably a former commandant). The Nominating Committee shall be formed not later than the June meeting of the detachment membership and be prepared to present its recommendations for office at the July and August detachment meetings.
b. The Nominating Committee will consist of a minimum of three (3) members in good standing. No current elected officer may serve on the Nominating Committee. Any member of the Nominating Committee seeking to influence votes can be charged with misconduct.
c. The Nomination Committee will solicit nominations from the membership during the three months it is active and present those nominations at the regularly scheduled detachment meetings.
d. Any member in good standing may nominate another member in good standing. Any member nominated either from the floor or by the Nominating Committee shall state their willingness to accept the responsibilities of office at the time of nomination. A member should be present at the meeting or post a letter of acceptance of the nomination with the Adjutant. A member may accept nomination for only one office.
e. Each member nominated for office will have the opportunity to state their qualifications.
Article X: Elections
a. Elections shall be held on the day of the regularly scheduled general membership meeting in September. The Nominating Committee shall oversee the elections.
b. Regular members in good standing of the detachment have the right to vote.
c. Majority of votes present will determine the election.
Article XI: Installation of Officers
The installation of newly elected officers will take place after the election has concluded during the same meeting.
Article XII: Duties of Officers
a. Commandant
Preside over all board meetings, committees, and general membership meetings;
Observe and enforce the National Bylaws and National Administrative Procedures of the Marine Corps League and the Detachment Bylaws;
Direct and/or delegate to all officers and members such orders for the good and welfare of the Detachment which is necessary for the proper conduct of business;
Be a signatory on the detachment's checking accounts;
Represent the Detachment at social functions and ceremonies;
Lead and guide the Detachment in the purposes described in Article II of the Detachment Bylaws.
b. Senior Vice Commandant
Be familiar with operations and projects of the Detachment;
Perform such duties as may be assigned by the Commandant for the good and welfare of the Detachment;
Be a signatory on the detachment's checking accounts.
c. Junior Vice Commandant
Responsible for recruitment and retention of members;
Work with the Detachment Adjutant to assure a current membership list with contact information;
Bring about programs and activities that meet the needs of the members;
Promote special events aimed at enhancing membership such as picnics, social events, and Marine Corps celebrations;
Act as a spokesperson to the Board of Trustees on what members and prospective members are looking for from the organization;
Be familiar with operations and projects of the Detachment;
Perform such duties as may be assigned by the Commandant for the good and welfare of the Detachment;
Be a signatory on the detachment's checking accounts.
d. Judge Advocate
Understand and interpret statutes and policies of the organization;
Write, modify, and/or amend Detachment Bylaws and policies;
Perform such duties as may be assigned by the Commandant for the good and welfare of the Detachment.
e. Adjutant
Responsible to take, keep, and report an accurate record of the minutes of all duly called Detachment and board meetings;
Take and record roll call at meetings;
Maintain an up-to-date and accurate record of the membership of the detachment;
File annual list of officers and license with the Nevada Secretary of State’s office;
Work with the Detachment Paymaster to complete the annual PLM audit;
Prepare and monitor calendar of events for the Detachment;
Send official notifications to members.
f. Paymaster
Responsible to keep true and accurate records of all funds received and disbursed on behalf of the detachment;
Arrange for the deposit of all monies and securities in a bank account designated by the Board of Trustees;
Responsible for assuring the legitimacy of payment requests and paying authorized bills supported by proper documentation;
Prepare quarterly audits for review by the Board of Trustees;
Make Detachment’s books and records available at any time as requested by the Board of Trustees;
Work with the Detachment Adjutant to prepare up-to-date record of dues paid by the membership and send notices to members of dues that have lapsed;
Ensure monies for transmittals are accurate and forwarded in compliance with Department of Nevada and National Marine Corps League procedures;
File State and/or Federal tax reports and tax exemptions;
Assist the Detachment Officers as needed with financial transactions;
If desired by the Board of Trustees, the Paymaster will be bonded in an amount satisfactory to the Board of Trustees which is more than that automatically provided by the Marine Corps League. The payment of such bonds will be paid by the Detachment;
Be a signatory on the detachment's checking accounts;
At the conclusion of his/her term of office, surrender all books, records, monies, and any other property under the Detachment Paymaster’s charge to the newly appointed Detachment Paymaster.
g. Chaplain
Perform such duties within the guidelines of established Marine Corps League procedures;
Assist with sickness and condolence calls, correspondence, and any other duties related to the well-being of members and their families;
Advise the Board of Officers and the general membership of any member sick or distressed;
Assist with funeral arrangements as needed.
h. Sergeant at Arms
Preserve order and ensure that proper decorum is maintained at all detachment meetings;
Ensure that all persons in attendance at Detachment meetings are signed in;
Provide membership applications to persons interested in joining the Detachment;
Deputize other members as needed to assist in the performance of his/her duties.
i. Color Sergeant
Coordinate the color/honor guard to represent the Detachment in parades, funerals, etc.
Article XIII: Committees
a. The Commandant may appoint as many committees as are necessary for the good of the Detachment.
b. The Commandant shall appoint a chairperson and as many members as is practical for the purpose of the committee.
c. The committees shall have the authority to act on behalf of the Board of Trustees. This authority will be within the limits of the guidance given to the committee by the Board of Trustees. Committees will act with discretion when conducting business on behalf of the Detachment. When they are actively working on a project, committees shall report on the committee's progress at the monthly meeting. This report will include, at minimum, any contractual and/or financial obligations entered on behalf of the detachment and any outstanding financial obligations.
d. The term of any committee shall be at the discretion of the Board of Trustees. A committee for a special function may disband at the recognized completion of that function (i.e., Nominating Committee, Golf Tournament Committee).
Article XIV: Meetings
a. The regular detachment general membership meetings will be held on the fourth Thursday of each month at 1830. Any changes in the date or location will be published in the detachment website.
b. A quorum for a regular detachment meeting shall consist of a minimum of five (5) members in good standing plus two (2) detachment elected officers present.
c. A quorum for a Board of Trustees’ meeting shall consist of a minimum of two (2) Officers.
d. In addition, a quarterly audit of Detachment finances will be conducted with at least three (3) signatory officers present. These audits should occur in April, July, October, and January.
Article XV: Retention of Records
All Detachment records shall be kept for a minimum period of seven (7) years with the exception of those which are required to be kept for a longer period of time in accordance with Nevada State Laws and Federal Regulations.
Article XVI: Emergency Expenditure of Funds
Emergency expenditures of Detachment funds may be made as follows:
a. The Commandant, at his discretion, may spend up to $500 per event.
b. The Board of Trustees, at their discretion, may spend up to $1,000 per event.
c. The Board of Officers, at their discretion, may spend up to $1,500 per event.
d. The maximum amount of Detachment funds that may be spent per event is $3,000.
e. The amount expended on any event will be reported to the membership at the next town hall and recorded in the minutes.